A Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) provides you with control over your superannuation in terms of what you invest in as you are in charge of your own investment strategy giving you a greater ability to ensure you and your family are well taken care of in future years. An SMSF also allows you and your partner to combine your super, pay one set of fees and choose where you want to put your money whether it be into the stock market, the property market or other alternative investments.

While many of our clients opt for real property, there are many options for investments within SMSF. This includes commercial and residential investment properties, shares, vehicles, artwork and gold.
While you can purchase alternative investments within SMSF, it is important to remember that it isn't the right strategy for everyone. There is significant compliance and legislation to be aware of, as well as having a well diversified portfolio to protect your retirement nest egg.
Vanessa, Kym and their expert accounting team at HM Business Partners are here to support you every step of the way... These ladies will take care of everything from establishment, opening up bank accounts and co-ordinating rollovers. The property division can even assist you in the buying process. The girls will also work with you to ensure your insurance is maintained before you roll out of your current super fund as we don't want to have any gaps of no cover. With the right advice and strategy, you are able to run your own Family Super Fund, here's just one example...
There is important stuff you need to know, and you will have loads of questions along the way but we're here to help and hold your hand as we educate you on managing your own super.. We'll also sit down and help explore all your options when deciding if an SMSF is right for you and your family!