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Personal Wealth Portal

We are always looking for new innovative ways to connect with you and make your life easier. Introducing your PERSONAL WEALTH PORTAL... Managing your money and budgeting can seem like a daunting task, even if you're a spreadsheet ninja. What if you could link your entire wealth into one easy portal? What if you could - track spending on all bank accounts in the one place, watching the market values of your properties climb and mortgages go down under one login, keep a track superannuation balances regardless of where it is, rental property statements loaded automatically and organised between properties, have insurance policy information at hand on your smart device anywhere and even have your wills and other important documents like birth certificates safe and sound... We all have so much stuff to keep track of these days, wouldn't it be amazing if there was one place to keep it all organised. All policy documents, tax returns, contracts and more. How cool would it be if it could also link directly to your bank or various banks to automatically categorise how much you've spent on what! Super helpful for tracking tax deductible expenses or achieving those big goals like paying off your house sooner or going away for that overseas holiday. This is all possible with our personal wealth portal... We know the power of this portal and you can now enjoy the benefits of having all of your accounts in one place with one login - credit cards, bank accounts, home loans, investment loans and more Here’s just some features that our clients are lowing:

  • Utilise a broad range of real-time data feeds including property, superannuation, investments, direct shares and cars - anywhere, any time, on any device.

  • Store and access all of your financial information in one, convenient, online location

  • Connect with your financial professional with one-click access to their full range of professional services

  • Take control of your cash flow with automatic categorisation of your income and expenses and instant budgets

  • Make tax time easy by storing all of your financial data, including transaction receipts and documents, securely online

Get incredible reporting features, use personalised tools and create and track goals to revolutionalise the way you manage your financial world. If you’d like to see more on our Personal Wealth Portal, watch this quick video and let us know if you have any questions or would like to get started…


Personal Wealth Portal

We are always looking for new innovative ways to connect with you and make your life easier. Introducing your PERSONAL WEALTH PORTAL... Managing your money and budgeting can seem like a daunting task, even if you're a spreadsheet ninja. What if you could link your entire wealth into one easy portal? What if you could - track spending on all bank accounts in the one place, watching the market values of your properties climb and mortgages go down under one login, keep a track superannuation balances regardless of where it is, rental property statements loaded automatically and organised between properties, have insurance policy information at hand on your smart device anywhere and even have your wills and other important documents like birth certificates safe and sound... We all have so much stuff to keep track of these days, wouldn't it be amazing if there was one place to keep it all organised. All policy documents, tax returns, contracts and more. How cool would it be if it could also link directly to your bank or various banks to automatically categorise how much you've spent on what! Super helpful for tracking tax deductible expenses or achieving those big goals like paying off your house sooner or going away for that overseas holiday. This is all possible with our personal wealth portal... We know the power of this portal and you can now enjoy the benefits of having all of your accounts in one place with one login - credit cards, bank accounts, home loans, investment loans and more Here’s just some features that our clients are lowing:

  • Utilise a broad range of real-time data feeds including property, superannuation, investments, direct shares and cars - anywhere, any time, on any device.

  • Store and access all of your financial information in one, convenient, online location

  • Connect with your financial professional with one-click access to their full range of professional services

  • Take control of your cash flow with automatic categorisation of your income and expenses and instant budgets

  • Make tax time easy by storing all of your financial data, including transaction receipts and documents, securely online

Get incredible reporting features, use personalised tools and create and track goals to revolutionalise the way you manage your financial world. If you’d like to see more on our Personal Wealth Portal, watch this quick video and let us know if you have any questions or would like to get started…

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Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.


Financial services are provided to you by HM Financial Partners is an Authorised Representative (#473019) of Sentry Financial Services Pty Ltd (AFSL 286786).

Tax & accounting services are provided to you by HM Business Partners.

Property services are provided by HM Property Partners.


Warning: The information contained herein is of a general nature only and does not constitute advice. You should not act on any information without considering your personal needs, circumstances and objectives. We recommend you obtain professional financial advice specific to your circumstances. You should read any relevant Product Disclosure Statements before making an investment decision.

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